This is to invite all interested and qualified members of staff to participate in the Year 2020 Exercise of the Allocation of Campus Quarters.
The procedure is as follows:
- Beginning from Wednesday, 1st July 2020 and ending on Tuesday, 21st July 2020, all interested members of staff should visit the University website to download the application form.
- The form must be duly COMPLETED and CERTIFIED where necessary and then returned by the staff concerned to the Housing Unit NOT LATER THAN Friday, 24th July 2020. Forms that are submitted late will not be processed.
- For the avoidance of doubt, only those who participate in the coming exercise, by completing the application forms and submitting them promptly, will be considered for campus housing during the year.
- A member of staff will only be considered for the category of quarters he or she chooses during any one year.
- Great importance is attached to veracity in the filling of the forms and any false information will attract appropriate sanction. Any claim without supporting evidence will be ignored.
- Members of staff who hope to be on leave of absence during the coming session will not be considered in the exercise. Those that will retire in about 2 years also need not apply.
- Members of staff are advised to make sure that clear photocopies of all necessary documentary evidence are attached to their forms when they are submitted.