
University of Dundee: Call for Ph.D. Applications

Call For Papers, Nominations etc.

The University of Dundee (UoD) is calling for applications into its Doctoral Fellowship Scheme.

The Doctoral Fellowship Scheme is a central element of the University of Dundee’s Africa Strategy which reflects the University’s commitment to broadening research ties and capacity building with strategic partners across the continent.

The University is set to fund five (5) Ph.D. candidates from selected partner institutions across Africa to join a doctoral programme in September 2023, with an international fee waiver & stipend at UKRI rates for four years.

The scheme will run for 10 years and allow for a total of 25 fellowships during its lifetime (five places every other year).

Interested candidates, who are full time members of staff of the University of Lagos, must be willing to carry out research in the following doctoral projects:

  1. Population Health & Wealth
  2. Equity & Inclusion; and
  3. Climate Action & Net Zero

Applications, containing the following, are to be sent to on or before Monday, June 5, 2023

  1. A full CV for the Fellowship applicant, as well as any PDFs of relevant publications. 
  2. A cover letter (maximum of 2 pages) from the Fellowship applicant identifying:
    • the doctoral project they are applying for;
    • how they are qualified to undertake that project;
    • why they would be a strong candidate for Fellowship funding;
    • how the Fellowship would be transformative for their research and career.  

Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their chosen research project with the University of Dundee lead supervisor before submitting their applications.  

3. A statement of support from the applicant’s institution which outlines the merits of the application and explains how the proposed Fellowship would enhance a wider and sustainable research partnership between the institution and UoD.

For further information regarding the application, kindly contact Questions regarding individual projects must be directed to the Lead Supervisor identified for each project. 

All applications will be assessed on merit with particular regard paid to the following criteria: 

  • the applicant’s academic record and potential for successful completion of the chosen doctoral project within the 4-year funded period;  
  • the potential for the Fellowship to promote wider and sustainable research ties between UoD and the home institution. 
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