“In today’s 4th Industrial Revolution (Connected Systems), comprising: knowledge, digital and circular economies, there are enormous potentials to create wealth for people, if the understanding of What, How and Why Nothing = Something, using Equilibrium Perspectives, is promoted”.
That was the gist of the paradigm-shifting submission made by a public intellectual, Mr. Adeshola Kukoyi, at the monthly seminar series of the Department of Mathematics, University of Lagos, on Thursday, April 27, 2023.
With his presentation titled, “Nothing = Something: Equilibrium Perspectives”, Mr. Kukoyi, of the Central Industrial Liaison and Placement Unit (CILPU), UNILAG, challenged the widely held notion that figure Zero (0) means “nothing”.
By deploying sound logical reasoning with the aid of mathematical formulae, Mr Kukoyi empirically demonstrated that the figure Zero (0) does not mean the absence of value, i.e. “Nothing”.
“Nothing, according to Equilibrium Perspectives, is that which is unknown; undefined; denied; was, but has ceased to be; and is, but yet to be. Nothing is the Something in Everything”, he declared.
Premised on Equilibrium Perspectives, a proprietary discourse model geared towards understanding the nature and workings of natural and man-made systems for predictability, optimal performance and sustainability, Mr Kukoyi proved that with a concise, clear, and mathematical expression, the intrinsic value in what had been generally considered as “nothing” can be revealed and utilised.
Applied to the everyday challenge of poverty, Mr. Kukoyi contended that the intrinsic value of “nothing” is actually the foundation for everything tangible that is desired.
“How do we explain the value of zero account balance (nothing) for doing business, if that zero balance itself isn’t something?”, he queried.
“How do we explain the impacts of globalization on poverty, unemployment, hunger, diseases, financial crisis, climate change and social unrest?”
“How do we address global energy poverty and terrorism or avert the existential threats of nuclear war?”
“The fact is that a zero-account balance offers the means to receive funds from potential angel investors and venture capitalists, capable of translating ideas in the form of pitch deck (“Nothing”) into a global brand (Something). Hypothetically, the zero-account balance itself, though “Nothing”, equals Something!”, he submitted.
He affirmed that the contemporary elements of capital formation: knowledge-skill-stamina, trust, relationship, money and space connectivity are all forms of capital, which may be viewed potentially as “nothing”. Even though they are neither created nor destroyed, they can be transformed from one form to another.
“… If the understanding of What, How and Why Nothing = Something, using Equilibrium Perspectives is promoted, a lot of the existential challenges that Africa is grappling with today will become a thing of the past”, Mr. Kukoyi said.
The seminar series had staff and students of the university, as well as stakeholders in the private and public sectors, in attendance.
Mr. Adeshola Kukoyi is the Principal Coordinator at the Central Industrial Liaison and Placement Unit (CILPU) at the University of Lagos. He is the Founder of Equilibrium Perspectives, a multidisciplinary discourse and model that seeks to probe and reimagine reality, while enriching the Body of Knowledge (BoK) for the intellectual progress and advancement of society.
He leverages on the “Equilibrium Equation: [n = √Y(eq.) X(ra.)/2]”, a proprietary mathematical framework for the general analysis, estimation and application of Equilibrium Perspectives.
REPORTER: Isaiah Kumuyi
PHOTOGRAPHER: Samuel Olaifa Dosumu