
Call for Application for International Junior Research Associate Scheme

Opportunities UNILAG

The Office of International Relations, Partnerships and Prospects, wishes to announce to the University community that in furtherance of the collaboration of the University of Lagos with the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom, the University of Sussex is calling suitably qualified students of the University of Lagos to participate in the International Junior Research Association (IJRA) Scheme at Sussex. This is a scheme for undergraduate students interested in developing their research capabilities ahead of a career in research.

This initiative has been scheduled for Sunday, June 19 to Saturday, August 13, 2022.

The scheme which is not credit bearing is a pioneering programme that aims to develop future research leaders by supporting talented and ambitious undergraduates to undertake supervised research at Sussex during the summer. IJRA participants will work on a project  for eight weeks, providing them with the opportunity to engage with distinguished researchers and develop invaluable academic skills and networks. They will also present their research to supervisors and other senior academics at a University showcase reception.


Applicants would need:

  • a minimum GPA or equivalent of 3.0,
  • English language qualifications of IELTS 6.0 overall
  • to meet the pre-requisites that may be listed for the selected research project

RESEARCH TOPIC: Sustainability

Support from Sussex include:

  • fee waiver for the programme
  • fee waiver for University accommodation and breakfasts
  • providing a programme of free campus social events and activities
  • providing free training workshops

Other Costs

Students will fund their travel to Sussex and cover subsistence and living costs for eight weeks.


It is an excellent opportunity for international and hands-on research experience for students.


Interested students from the Faculties of Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, Management Sciences of the University of Lagos are to review the project below and if they think they are suitable, should submit application letters to the Office of International Relations, Partnerships and Prospects above the Cash Office in the Old Senate Building from Monday 22nd November to 14th January 2022 with the following:

  • a coloured student copy transcript
  • IELTS result
  • A CV
  • One page covering letter stating why they think they would be a suitable candidate for the research.

Further information about the IJRA scheme is available, visit

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