The Department of Preventive Dentistry was created at the inception of the Dental School in 1966. Initially, Child Dental Health was part of the department till 1st August, 1980 when it broke out of the department.
The Department represents a multidisciplinary team that has the expertise and experience to investigate oral health in a broader context, which provides the knowledge and resources to improve dental health and composed of the following units: Oral Diagnosis, Oral Radiology and Oral Medicine, Periodontology (With affiliated Oral Hygiene sub-unit) and Community Dentistry.
Past Heads of Department have included Prof. Ana, Prof. F. Okoisor, Prof. S. Jeboda, Prof. K.O Savage, Prof. G. Agbelusi, Dr. P. Ayanbadejo and Dr. O. Sofola
The Department of Preventive Dentistry believes in the holistic approach to oral health prevention and management of oral diseases to improve the quality of life of the Nigerian community as a whole.
1. Provide an enriching work environment for the academic, non-academic staff and students.
2. To educate the students in the various specialties within the department.
3. To expose the students to clinical cases and obtain hands on relevant clinical skills to be able to successfully perform as General Dental Practitioners.
4. To perform relevant research which will positively influence Oral Health Policies in Nigeria and beyond as well as contributing to scientific knowledge.
5. To recruit patients whose treatment will reinforce the students learning in our department and also in other departments in the Faculty of Dental Sciences.
The department trains undergraduate dental students in Oral Diagnosis, Oral Radiology, Oral Medicine, Periodontology and Community Dentistry which are achieved by lectures, seminars, field trips and clinical practice in the 5th, 6th clinical years of the dental course.
Furthermore, College of Medicine students (Medical, Radiography, Dental, Pharmacy students) also have a 4 week annual orientation/exposure to the department at their 300 level in Basic Therapeutic and Clinical Skills.