

Physiotherapy otherwise called ‘Physical  Therapy’ is a dynamic health care profession with an established theoretical and wide spread clinical applications (which are mostly physical approaches) in the preservation, development and restoration of optimal physical functions (APT, 1997).  Basically, physiotherapy is concerned with the restoration of human movement and maximizing potential (CSP, 2002).  Physiotherapy includes the evaluation, treatment or prevention of disability, injury, disease or other conditions of health, using physical, chemical and mechanical means including but not limited to heat, cold, light air, water, sound, electricity, massage, mobilization, and therapeutic exercises, with or without assertive devices and the performance and interpretation of tests and measurements to assess pathophysiological, pathomechancial and developmental deficit of human system to determine treatment and assist in diagnosis and prognosis.

Specialties in Physiotherapy i. Cardiopulmenury ii. Neurohysiotherapy iii Orthopeudic iv Paediatric Physiotherapy v. Ergonomics Physiotherapy

The Department of Physiotherapy, College of Medicine of the University of Lagos was established on July 1 1980. Prior to that date, specifically  from September 1971,  the Department had been functioning as a sub-unit under Department of Paediatrics. Earlier than July 1980, the Programme of Studies in Physiotherapy led to the award of a Diploma of the University of Lagos in Physiotherapy. With effect from July 1 1980 however, the certificate obtainable on successful completion of the course of studies in Physiotherapy became a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Physiotherapy, a four (4) years programme.

The course of study was later upgraded to Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B. Physiotherapy) degree, 5 years programme, and in 2002, the department graduated the first set of students who were awarded Bachelor of Physiotherapy Degree.

The department started a postgraduate programme in Physiotherapy in September 2008, which will leads to the award of Master Science (M.Sc) and Ph.D degrees  in Physiotherapy.