

Welcome to the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Two sets of undergraduate students come to the Department – 400 Level and 600 Level. The 400 Level students do an introductory posting of 4 weeks in the Department whilst the 600 Level students spend 13 weeks.The students come in groups, so that there are students in the Department all the year round, and they receive instruction in the form of lectures, tutorials, seminars, ward-rounds and ground-rounds. Exposure to patient management problems and surgical operating techniques are also provided during out-patient clinic sessions, operating theatre sessions and call duty periods at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital.
Each student is expected to clerk and follow up a number of Gynaecological and Antenatal patients. The students are rostered to ensure that they attend special clinics such as Family Planning, Joint Oncology, Cytology, as well as the Ultrasound scanning sessions.

The Department is also actively involved in Postgraduate teaching in the form of the Residency Training Programme of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital. This is a 5-year programme at the end of which Residents are expected to sit and pass the Final Fellowship Examinations of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Residents are also trained to meet the requirements for the Fellowship of the West African College of Surgeons in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

There are at present 89 Obstetric beds, 36 Neonatal Cots and 60 Gynaecology beds for the large number of patients seeking admission for expert care. The Department has four units which are: Experimental and Maternal Medicine (EMM); Oncology and Pathological Studies (OPS); Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility Regulation (REF) and Ultrasonography and Fetal Medicine (UFM). The areas of special research and clinic interest in the Department are trophoblastic tumours, carcinoma of the cervix, pregnancy induced hypertension, sickle cell disease in pregnancy, congenital fetal infections, diabetes in pregnancy, ultrasonography, gynaecological endocrinology, infertility management, Family Planning, Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy,Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV infection (PMTCT), and Sexual and Reproductive Health, including reduction of maternal mortality. Faculty members in the Department are also involved in evidence synthesis and generation with the conduct of systematic reviews.